Do you tip-up fish? Do you keep your tip-ups in a bucket? Are your tip-ups ever tangled in that bucket? The patented Tip-Up tower is hands down the best way to organize and store your tip-ups. The patented double ring design locks in and securely holds up to six plank style. Most major brand name tip-ups lock into the gated system with a simple “snap”. Once tip-ups are securely fastened, you can tip your bucket upside down and the tip-ups will stay in place!! Will fit both five and six gallon buckets and the handle of your bucket will remain up-right and accessible. The center of your bucket will remain open allowing you to store other items, such as a skimmer or gaf. Protect and organize your gear today!
Tip-Up Tower Features:
- Securely fastens tip-ups into bucket
- Fits five or six gallon buckets
- Most major brands will fit (Beaver Dam, HT Polar, Frabil Wood, etc…)
- The Handle of your bucket remains up and usable
- The center of your bucket remains open
- Comes with all needed hardware to mount into your bucket
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